Sitting on the dock at 7:30 in the morning, looking out at the calm water and cloudy skies, I watched as students loaded up kayaks and paddle to their project sites, STRI Point or House Reef. With snorkel mask & fins on, project materials in hand, Gabby and I jumped off the dock into the cold water and swam towards our project site on House Reef. It started sprinkling a bit but that doesn't stop us from research time.
The dock at STRI |
Color flags mark the boundary of 1 damselfish's territory Photo by Gabby |
After an AMAZING nap, the sun came out and we headed off towards our project site to collect behavioral data on our fish before we manipulate their territories. Overall, it was a great day for us as we collected what we needed minus getting attacked by damselfish. Below are pictures of the other groups on this fine project day☺
Natalie & Mitch building PVC frames |
Casey & Ella - Brittlestar (Ophiothrix suensonii) in a mortar and pestle to be ground up |
Tralee & Genevieve - cork screw anemone (Bartholomea annulata) with a symbiotic snapping shrimp --Vanessa Vy |
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